Emotional Contagion Theory and the Consultant
As consultants, it’s important to understand how your emotions can impact your clients’ emotions and, in extension, the outcome of your projects.
18 Results
As consultants, it’s important to understand how your emotions can impact your clients’ emotions and, in extension, the outcome of your projects.
Are you planning a design system? A Discovery phase can help you identify key details to make your design system a success.
Being vulnerable is hard, but it’s vital to discussing issues and finding effective solutions. Emily shares how honesty and vulnerability play an essential role in our Discovery efforts and fuel us on to better work.
Partnering with the people who wrote the standards for described and captioned media.
Working iteratively empowers product teams to strategically refine early through tight feedback loops. How we worked with a global company to provide the most value for their clients through the process of continuous discovery.
We’re big on collaboration, with our clients and each other. Emily shares how even project managers play a supporting role in the design process.
How we enabled the Sparkbox and KUB teams to effectively craft success.
The Sparkbox team shares multiple perspectives on the importance of Progressive Enhancement for today’s web.
How we planned for the user experience, created navigation and design fully focused around goals, and used React and ExpressionEngine to deliver OhioCertifiedSites.com.
Karen shared how to stop the bleeding by making your content and sites better iteratively.
Katie Jennings
Vice President of Business Development