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Byron in Bounce Innovation Hub's Blog on Tips for Working Remotely

09-20-19 Sparkbox

In collaboration with Bounce, Byron shares his tips for being an effective remote worker.

“Like many remote workers, I’d taken the benefits of remote work and replaced them with more work. My normal commute where I’d listen to my favorite podcasts had gone away and been replaced with doing more work.”

Remote working can be challenging at first—just ask Sparkboxer Byron Delpinal. Byron works in Akron, Ohio, and recently joined The Generator at Bounce Innovation Hub, a co-working space for freelancers, small businesses, startups, and remote workers. Byron is also a volunteer mentor at Bounce for entrepreneurs looking for technical advice.

Byron wrote an article for Bounce on tips for remote working. He had to learn the hard way that remote working can make a healthy work-life balance difficult. Byron discusses establishing a routine, taking productive breaks, creating a workspace, communicating effectively, and so much more.

“What you’ll find is that when this is done correctly, your team will be just as confident in your value and your availability than those of your teammates that are in the office with them.”

Read Byron’s Tips for Working Remotely

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