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Hello curious design system thinkers!

02-06-25 Sparkbox

Regular Foundry readers know that Sparkbox has been deeply engaged with design system thinking for many years.

Maybe you’ve taken the Design System Maturity Assessment, or attended one of our many design system UnConference sessions. Now we’re deepening our commitment to the topic by sponsoring and sharing Ben Callahan’s “The Question” series. Ben is a founder of Sparkbox and a leader in the design system space. The Question is a platform that allows Ben to bring the design system community together to explore specific issues and developments. You’ll find episode one below, and we’ll continue to add new episodes as they’re available.

If you have ideas for new topics or questions about how Sparkbox can help with your design system, please reach out directly to

Episode 001: Product Design vs. Systems Design, with Michelle Walton

In Episode 001 of The Question, we discussed the differences between System Designer and Product Designer roles and detailed some of the characteristics that serve each of these roles best.

Watch The Episode

Want to talk about how we can work together?

Katie can help

A portrait of Vice President of Business Development, Katie Jennings.

Katie Jennings

Vice President of Business Development