It’s no secret we love Codepen (and not just because we had a hand in making it work). For everything from creating Foundry examples to teaching code classes, CodePen is an online frontend editor we don’t want to go without. Here are some of our favorite Pens, created by the Sparkbox Team.
Built something cool on Codepen? Tweet us your Pens, @hearsparkbox!
Brody the Pug Soundboard by Anastasia Lanz
This animated soundboard features Anastasia’s own pooch, Brody.
Multiple Shadows by Andrew Spencer
Andrew shares a couple of CSS drop shadow effects.
Teaching: Retrofitting a Table by Ben Callahan
Ben brings responsive web design to an old staple: the table.
Animated Gradient Logo by Bryan Braun
A fun light animation made from Bryan’s personal brand.
Accordion Nav by Catherine Meade
Catherine’s take on an animated accordion navigation.
Jelly~ (scroll-based spring) by Ethan Muller
This fun, springy scroll animation built by Ethan is good enough to eat!
Vinyl by Jon Oliver
Jon combines work with “play” in this musical animation.
Bar Graph from a Table by Kasey Bonifacio
Combining data, science and design, this tool from Kasey follows both form and function.
CSS Parallax by Nate Jacobs
Nate brings the “wow” in this parallax-y scroll animation.
Oscillating Fan by Philip Zastrow
Our own Sassmaster is at it again with this “cool” fan animation.