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Meet Catherine

08-04-16 Sparkbox

Comfortable with a novel, keyboard, or sword in her hand, Catherine brings an extra helping of passion and commitment to the Sparkbox team.

Not many people pride themselves on their ability to wield a foam sword. But Catherine isn’t just anybody. We’re excited to welcome her as a full-time developer after our six-month apprenticeship.

Aside from bringing her wealth of gaming knowledge to our family-style lunch conversations, Catherine also brings an avid enthusiasm for Girl Develop It (GDI), a non-profit focused on creating safe spaces for women to learn to code. Catherine credits GDI as her gateway to the coding world. She began as a student and eventually transitioned from rapt student to engaging instructor, teaching HTML/CSS courses.

The front of the classroom is a familiar spot for Catherine. After graduating college, she was a high school multi-media art teacher. Next, she took up a different kind of education joining the start-up ChoreMonster. There, she helped create web and mobile apps to make chores fun for kids. We’re skeptical about chores being fun, but if there is someone who can do it, it’s Catherine. Catherine’s can-do attitude makes her a great fit at Sparkbox: “A sense of accomplishment at the end of the day, no matter how small, is what excites me most about developing.”

When Catherine isn’t at Sparkbox tackling PRs, applying wickedly funny gifs to our Slack channels, or attending a local meetup, you can find her in Oxford playing board games with her cohorts, oil painting, or reading a classic novel that features an abundance of real swords.

If you’re looking to brush up on your gaming knowledge or just want to meet a generally cool person, drop Catherine a line.

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