Over years of researching design systems and talking to leaders in the field, Ben has developed a model of healthy design system growth. Learn the different stages of maturity and determine what stage your system is in.
Systems have always been an important part of what we do at Sparkbox—from the branding systems we worked on in our early days to the current modular systems we use when writing software today. In 2015, we began to build a large-scale, multi-brand design system for one of our clients. For us, this was the culmination of years of previous work. We started the Design Systems Survey in 2018 as a way to capture data about these systems from around the world. Over the last year or two, I’ve been privileged to supplement the quantitative survey through a series of qualitative conversations with some brilliant folks solving similar problems with design systems.
After years of research and interviews, we’ve documented a more complete model of the way organizations approach design systems, including how they’re initiated and how they mature over time. This article is a high-level explanation of that model.
Model Overview
The Stages
Here’s an overview of the four stages of design system maturity.

- Stage 1: Building Version One
This is the very earliest stage of a design system, beginning with a specific problem (for example, inconsistent experiences or inefficient processes) and ending with the first release. There are a lot of decisions to be made during this phase, such as technology selection, initial component definition, and what tools and frameworks will be supported.
- Stage 2: Growing Adoption
Once an initial design system is in place, the critical challenge is adoption. In order for the system to succeed, the owners need to educate a growing number of internal team members (potential subscribers) about the system and persuade them to use it.
- Stage 3: Surviving the Teenage Years
When the design system is part of the day-to-day rhythm of the organization, there’s a new set of issues to address, including enforcing standards while allowing for creativity, assessing and prioritizing growth, and analyzing return on investment.
- Stage 4: Evolving a Healthy Product
In this final stage, the design system is a fully-realized product. The focus turns to long-term sustainability, growth, and governance, often with highly evolved communication and product management strategies.
Origin Stories Matter
As I immersed myself in these ideas, I wanted to make sure I understood what had already been done in this space. One of the biggest missing pieces I’ve seen is a failure to consider the major impact of a system’s origin. Based on my interviews with design system leaders, the approach taken to release the first version makes a big difference in the priorities and challenges the team will experience. The two major approaches I’ve seen are “grassroots” (a passionate individual contributor drives the initial release) or “top-down” (an executive drives the work from the beginning). I’ve done my best to demonstrate how these two different origin stories typically affect the maturity path a system takes. And I’m almost certain that there are an infinite number of combinations between these two.
What do you need to support your design system?
Take the Maturity Model Assessment to get feedback on where you are now, and suggestions that will help you move forward to benefit your whole organization.
A Maturity Model for Design Systems
With all this context, let’s dive a little deeper.
Stage 1: Building Version One
Decisions, decisions. We make many compromises early in the life of a design system. We have to choose which technologies we’ll support, what components to include initially, any tooling we want to use, and more. These decisions are often rushed, and the people working on the system usually struggle to find the right priority and scope for their organization.
- Top Priorities
Release version one
Find a balance between releasing quickly and showing value
- Top Challenges
Discover the most valuable first release
For the top-down origin story: find cross-discipline partners
For the grassroots origin story: find time to work on the system
- What to Measure
Qualitative value of the system for the first round of subscribers
Organizations in this phase are primarily working toward releasing the first version of their system. So they don’t have a system in place already (or they are replacing whatever they do have). There is usually a conversation about how to balance the speed at which they can release with the value version one needs to show in order to last. Where the line is drawn and how to get there are heavily influenced by the origin story, especially in this earliest stage.
Origin Story: Grassroots
Early in the history of design systems, almost every system was started by passionate individual contributors. Because the industry didn’t really know what design systems were or the extent to which they could benefit an organization, a grassroots approach was much more common. As design systems become more widely understood and valued, the “grassroots” origin story is less and less common.
- Grassroots Origin Characteristics
Very informal or no budget (this is a side project)
A single person or very small, unsanctioned group creating the system
Requirements, process, and tools determined by the creator
Limiting the scope to what helps the creator (also the likely future subscriber)
Low pressure to deliver
Origin Story: Top-Down
There is enough industry momentum behind design systems now that executives are more easily swayed. Many times they see their peers pushing for a more systematic approach, so they do the same. When a system is started because an executive believes it’s the right thing to do, the path is different.
- Top-Down Origin Characteristics
A more formal budget
A formal team (recruited from within, new hires, or an outside consultant)
Requirements, processes, and tools determined by committee
A broad scope focusing on subscribers outside the creator team
High pressure to deliver
Because the “top-down” story is driven by leadership and the scope is usually more about the impact a system can have across the organization, this stage often includes a Discovery-like phase—interviews with stakeholders, audits of existing experiences, and conversations about tooling and workflow with future subscribers.
Once the organization has a first version released, things get fun!
Stage 2: Growing Adoption
Once we have a working system, creators get excited to show its value. The easiest way to show a design system’s value is to show that people want to use it. That’s why this stage is clearly defined by the overwhelming sense of urgency to get other people to use the system.
- Top Priority
Demonstrate that multiple teams will use the design system
- Top Challenges
Increase the number of subscribers
Prioritize improvements to the system that show value to potential subscribers
- What to Measure
Adoption of the system
Implementation variations from the documented patterns
In almost all cases after the initial release, no one will be using the system simply because it’s new. Releasing a design system is essentially asking everyone to change how they work. This change takes time, and there are multiple paths to drive adoption. I’ll share the most common path I’ve observed for each origin story.
Origin Story: Grassroots
At this point, the creator is thinking “This works really well for me—maybe it will be helpful for others too.” They share the system with friends in the organization, and early adopters start using it, providing feedback, and encouraging others to see the value/adopt the system as well. These early adopters often support improving the design system by contributing back.
- Grassroots Origin Characteristics
The creator wants to allow others to use the system
The creator seeks out friendly early adopters (typically in similar roles)
If there is genuine value, early adopters will start using it
On the other hand, if there isn’t much demonstrable value at this stage, a system may simply fade away or remain a small tool in the back pocket of a few passionate folks.
Origin Story: Top-Down
In this origin story, the executive sponsor is thinking “We’ve invested in this—I must show immediate organizational value.” Many times they mandate that others use the system. This works, but the mandate for adoption tends to crush the collaborative spirit, often removing subscriber desire to contribute back to the system. Instead, they let the owners of the system know when it’s not working and wait for a new version.
- Top-Down Origin Characteristics
The executive sponsor wants to allow others to use the system
Leadership mandates that everyone must start using the system, and teams will typically do what they’re told
If there is genuine value, teams will start using it and often offer ideas for how the system could better serve them
The real challenge comes when the system doesn’t do much for people and yet there is a mandate that they use it. In this scenario, a lot of resentment can grow, leading the system to be built on an unhealthy and unsustainable foundation.
But if the system persists and adoption grows, scaling to support these new subscribers often leads to other disciplines participating in the work. The organizations that succeed at this stage start conversations with more than just designers and developers. They are thinking about the entire product lifecycle, and that big vision is contagious. How far a system can scale is dependent on (1) the work done initially to determine the scope of the first release and (2) the cultural willingness of an organization to evolve their processes.
Stage 3: Surviving the Teenage Years
If a design system successfully grows adoption, it eventually becomes a known tool inside the organization, and adoption is no longer the top concern. Increased awareness means more eyes are on the system, and questions about its validity are surfaced.
- Top Priorities
Demonstrate the value of the system to leadership
Begin to build deeper engagement with subscribers
Evolve the system to better serve a variety of subscribers
- Top Challenges
Continue to add valuable patterns, integrations, and documentation
Balance flexibility with consistency
For the top-down origin story: maintain funding
For the grassroots origin story: find executive support
- What to Measure
Efficiency of product design and development process
Consistency of products built with the system
Accessibility regressions
Metrics play a key role in ensuring the survival of a teenage design system. But it’s also critical the system is seen as an enabling force, not a restricting one. This is where design system teams from either origin story are tasked with finding a healthy balance between the flexibility a system offers and the consistency of the products built with it.
Origin Story: Grassroots
- Grassroots Origin Characteristics
Metrics become the path to executive support and a dedicated, cross-discipline team
New, heightened pressure to meet growing expectations
Resisting the urge for the system to lean too far toward consistency by removing flexibility
Origin Story: Top-Down
- Top-Down Origin Characteristics
Metrics required to continue the funding and growth of a team
Increased pressure to prove original expected value and possibly growing expectations
Resisting the urge for the system to lean too far toward flexibility by removing consistency
The metrics leadership asks for in this stage are notoriously difficult to capture, so this can be a challenging time for a system. Every system is unique, but I share measurement advice in this A List Apart article. Here are a few more resources: Measuring Design System Success, Interview on GitHub’s Design System, and How to Understand your Design System’s Health.
When a system is adopted because it has shown real value, this often changes how the organization works, how the various groups inside the organization communicate, and sometimes even how teams are structured. These changes can create a healthy dependence on the system and a sense that the system has been the initiator of necessary improvements in the product development process.
When leadership is convinced the system is meeting the promises made in earlier stages, and when the system is seen as an enabler by a growing set of subscribers, it can evolve to become a truly valuable internal product.
Stage 4: Evolving a Healthy Product
Reaching this stage means the product mindset is fully realized—the organization values the system as much as other customer-facing digital products. The origin story no longer bears a heavy influence on how these teams work because they have the same tools, processes, budgets, structures, and roles as the larger organization.
In this stage, the long-term health of the system becomes a priority. A healthy product also means healthy teams and a well-supported user base. This means the organization is focused on contribution models, regular subscriber interviews, and ambassador programs, all in an effort to better understand their users and continuously add value to the system.
- Top Priorities
Establish the design system as a full-fledged product
Spread design system value to all disciplines in the product life cycle
Support subscribers
- Top Challenges
Establish healthy governance and contribution models
Ensure your system remains an enabler and not a restrictor
Stay relevant as the organization and products evolve
- What to Measure
Subscriber engagement (adoption of new releases, variance from core system, etc.)
Onboarding speed and effectiveness
Process and cultural changes driven by the system
Product metrics for the system (velocity, release cadence, etc.)
This stage is characterized by a cross-disciplinary team that cares about measuring the engagement of their subscribers, the rate at which new releases are adopted, and much more. These teams create product roadmaps, incorporate feedback from all disciplines, and regularly demonstrate how the system can be helpful at every decision point in the product life cycle. They’re faster to market and create more consistent experiences for their users. They understand the benefits of working in this way and know how to demonstrate those benefits by looking at their own history.
Please Share Your Story
This framework has helped me understand where folks are in the process and what they should be focused on in order to continue maturing their system. Ultimately, this kind of thinking is only helpful if it allows all of us to see things more clearly. So far, I’ve felt that. The understanding of why we need to focus on adoption early, the shifting priorities around what to measure, the end goal of a cross-discipline team treating the system like the true product that it should be—all of these ideas are critical to the work we’re all doing. My hope is that this framework removes some of the mystery, and maybe that it even gives young teams an idea of what they can expect.
Now, I need your feedback.
As you read this, which stages did you identify with? Or maybe you followed a different path? Regardless, we want to hear your story. To this end, we’ve made a very short form where you can share as much or as little information as you’d like. Please, please, please, take just a few minutes to share your story.
What’s next for your design system?
Get feedback on where your design systems is now and suggestions that will help your design system further benefit your whole organization with the Maturity Model Assessment.