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Meet Andrew

12-08-16 Sparkbox

Andrew’s been delighting us with his methodical creativity since his apprenticeship at Sparkbox. Meet our newest frontend designer.

One of the first things you may notice about Andrew is his near-permanent smile, which easily rubs off on whomever is in his company. The second thing you soon come to find is his spirit for adventure. He’s an explorer, outdoorsman, and photographer. Most notably, though, Andrew is a humble person, and we’re thrilled to welcome him as our newest frontend designer.

Andrew initially came to Sparkbox during a class tour while he was a student at Cedarville University. He was interested and inquisitive, and it didn’t take long for him to reach out about our apprenticeships. After graduation, he came to Sparkbox as a frontend design apprentice and wowed us all with his curiosity and design approach. Designers are often known for commanding the right side of their brain; Andrew, however, carries a unique balance of creativity and logic. He’s both adventurous and calculated with his work, a harmonious combination for a frontend designer. “I love that I get to be creative with both sides of my brain—pushing the boundaries to create beautiful solutions while problem-solving with code is really exciting for me.”

When Andrew isn’t in the office delighting us with his pretty web work, he’s often found outside. Nature runs in his blood. His grandfather started frequenting the mountains of Newfoundland, Canada, and made a shelter out of beach driftwood, which he continues to build during his yearly visits to the remote Canadian island. “He’s 80 now, but I struggle to keep up with him,” Andrew says. To explore with Andrew, follow him on Instagram, where he pursues his interest in landscape photography. You won’t be disappointed.

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