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UnConference: Design Systems Culture

06-28-23 Sparkbox

Design systems are as much about the technical aspects as they are the cultural compatibility. Watch as Ben Callahan talks about design system team culture and how it should align with or complement company culture.

A design system is an expression (for better or worse) of the values of the people that build it. This is why design systems flounder—they are often launched as a bridge between teams without an understanding of the various subcultures of those teams. When companies align their design system with their existing company culture, the goals of that system are more easily realized.

If you feel like you’re swimming upstream with your design system, it’s likely the result of a cultural problem—not a technical one. It’s time for you to look at your design system from a different angle. In this virtual learning event, Ben Callahan shared how design systems and company culture are inextricably linked and how a deeper understanding of each is necessary to get you where you want to go.

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