If You Build Right, They Will Come
We had the privilege of hosting the first Build Right workshops of 2014 at our Dayton headquarters. We loved it and so did our attendees! We’re all polished and ready to bring the love your way. Join us!
152 Results
We had the privilege of hosting the first Build Right workshops of 2014 at our Dayton headquarters. We loved it and so did our attendees! We’re all polished and ready to bring the love your way. Join us!
Hear Don Livanec’s experience transforming a Rails server app into an Ember SPA app.
Our newest developer now changes diapers, but he once changed gravity.
Where our traveling RWD workshop has been and where it’s going in 2013.
Crunch-time scenarios are a fact of life. It doesn’t matter how well you plan. So you’d better come up with ways to cope or learn to enjoy the fetal position. The team shares how we each get through those long days and nights.
Adapter. Tinkerer. White glasses enthusiast.
You might have noticed we’ve gotten bigger. Now our office has too!
An enthusiast for words and the web—Emily joins the Sparkbox team as Content Strategist and Project Manager.
We’re happy to introduce you to Jody—sassy, new team member and great gal.
We, the 2013 Sparkbox Apprentices, have built Threeve: an app to help you track your Jeopardy score, share your total, and finally achieve the acclaim you so rightfully deserve. All in a beautifully designed and written responsive Ruby and Rails web app.
Katie Jennings
Vice President of Business Development