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2013 Build Responsively Workshop Update

01-08-13 Sparkbox

A quick update of how 2013 is shaping up for our traveling RWD workshop now in its second year.

The new year is underway, and the Sparkbox team is back in the saddle. One of our first orders of business — nail down the schedule for our Build Responsively Workshop series. We’re happy to report progress!

This year we hope not only to schedule our own stand-alone workshops (i.e. our Midwest Tour of 2012), we also plan to append our workshop on to other respected conferences across the country. We hope this allows us to hit more cities, develop more content, and meet even more of you.

Confirmed Cities

As of now, we have three cities confirmed: Orlando, Austin, and Columbia, SC.

We have already shared about our opening 2013 workshop at the In Control Conference in Orlando, February 17-19. Registration is still open, and you can use the coupon code INCTRLRWD100 for $100 off the workshop. Register and join us!

We have also received confirmation that you’ll find us in Columbia, SC at fantastic Converge SE, April 25-27. You’ll then see us in Austin, TX, May 13-15 at an exciting new conference, Artifact. We are still working out details, and these conferences do not yet have their registration open. However, you can sign up for email updates on their websites.

We’re also currently in discussions with several other cities, and we’re pumped about the possibilities. We’ll keep you updated here in the Foundry, and we’d encourage you to follow @hearsparkbox and @brworkshop on Twitter.

We hope to see you in 2013!

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Katie Jennings

Vice President of Business Development